This show features Original Artworks by Artists of many faiths including Andee Losee, Chuck Marshall, Denise Gracias, Kathy Bruner, Jenedy Paige, Morgan Gustafson, Paul Grass, Rosemary Williams, Rhonda Williams, Rachel Sackett, Several Youth Artists from our Academy, and our special Musical Guest Nathan Osmond.
This show is a fundraiser for the African Orphanage Kili Hope Organization with the $7 ticket sales at the door all going to this special Orphanage. Artwork and Testimonials by the Artists will be shared and a special Christmas Message by Pastor Oscar Guerrero will be given.
Light refreshments and a special new Painting by The Religious Academy Workshop group painting “Revealed By the Power of the Holy Ghost.” The Simeon Model, Richard Raun, will share his testimony of the miracle of the Savior’s Birth.
This is a must see event, mark your Calendars today!!
The Lindon Community Center, 25 N. Main Street, Lindon UT 84048
A Special thanks to our seven Sponsors for making this show possible,,,,,,, and